What is Pond?

The Origin
"Pond" is the name of a project I worked on for about 4 months with some friends in high school. It was all based on one question: what would happen if rubber ducks had a monarchy and kingdom? Pond was created with ceramics and woodworking, and every part of it was carefully hand-made.
The original spark that would eventually become Pond was actually a Viking ship/ rubber duck ceramic work. After that project, we all started wondering just how far we could take this project, the answer was, apparently, pretty far.

The duck that started it all

The Base
The base was created with a bunch of 2x2's and some plywood, I cut several different heights of platforms to create a "mountain" effect. Then I used spray foam in the gaps and carved it to create rock-like shapes. After all that we covered the now 2'x6' beast in plaster and painted it up.

This was a test of the spray paint, in order to see if we needed to plaster it... we did.

The Finished Project

With all of the buildings and characters now glazed and out of the kiln we attached them to the base, and bravo, we had a finished piece! In these photos see if you can spot characters such as Gordon-Ramsay-Fish, Harry Potter, Dorthy/Toto, the Queen of England, Batman-duck, and the karaoke frogs.
(pro-tip: click on the pictures to make them bigger)

Hope you enjoyed looking at this crazy hodgepodge of ideas and themes, we sure enjoyed making it!